039. He's Just Not That Into You YOUTUB:WEB.jpg

We usher in 2021 by going WAY back to a long forgotten time when rom-coms were full of misogyny and Jennifer Aniston… It’s 2009’s worst movie, He’s Just Not That Into You! Joining us are our spiritual pod-cousins from the Sonar Network, the hosts of Shh I’m Watching A Movie, Alex Kolanko and Alessandra Vite

We all still have a hangover from 2020, so we’re taking it easy with “Men (and Scar-Jo) Are Trash”

  • A sad six pack

EP 39 - He's Just Not That Into You DRINK_1.gif
EP 39 - He's Just Not That Into You GUEST_1.gif

EP 40: "Vesper” Part 1 (Casino Royale) ft. Big Cake Comedy


EP 38: "Orlando Snow”(Ernest Saves Christmas) ft. The Doctor DC Podcast